State of Delaware & Salem County (NJ)
Nearly half of all Delawareans live in eight zip codes. Within these neighborhoods, we see staggering poverty levels, fewer children reading proficiently, teens under-prepared for the future, and adults having to choose between paying bills and putting food on the table.
We believe opportunity should exist for all people, no matter where they live. As one of the First State’s largest non-profits, we stand with our partners to fight long-standing inequity inside our promise communities so more of Delaware can thrive.
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Salem County
Salem County (NJ) is home to beautiful farms and cutting-edge industry. But in a county where most of the population is middle-class, communities that struggle can oftentimes be overlooked.
At United Way of Delaware, we’ve made it our our mission to help make life better for everyone in Salem County (NJ). We are fighting for the second grader at Carver Elementary and struggling single parent in Carney’s Point. Will you join the fight?
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Nearly half of all Delawareans live in eight zip codes. Within these neighborhoods, we see staggering poverty levels, fewer children reading proficiently, teens under-prepared for the future, and adults having to choose between paying bills and putting food on the table.
We believe opportunity should exist for all people, no matter where they live. As one of the First State’s largest non-profits, we stand with our partners to fight long-standing inequity inside our promise communities so more of Delaware can thrive.
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Salem County
Salem County (NJ) is home to beautiful farms and cutting-edge industry. But in a county where most of the population is middle-class, communities that struggle can oftentimes be overlooked.
At United Way of Delaware, we’ve made it our our mission to help make life better for everyone in Salem County (NJ). We are fighting for the second grader at Carver Elementary and struggling single parent in Carney’s Point. Will you join the fight?
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