Ken Livingston
Get Delaware Reading – Wilmington
Get Delaware Reading
Grade-Level Reading
State test scores (English/Language Arts) show that over 75% of Wilmington’s third graders read below grade level. Without help, they will falter in later grades and risk not earning a high school diploma.
We will not stand by while our kids fall through the cracks. Get Delaware Reading Wilmington (GDRW) champions the major building blocks of literacy – School Readiness, School Attendance, and Summer Learning.
Along with parents and other community organizations, GDRW helps find and fix barriers to learning. Through our efforts, we support almost 500 children in developing vital reading skills. Together, we can put children on the path to success in school and in life.
Get Delaware Reading
Grade Level Reading
State test scores (English/Language Arts) show that over 80% of Wilmington’s third graders read below grade level. Without help, they will falter in later grades and risk earning a high school diploma.
We will not stand by while our kids fall through the cracks. Get Delaware Reading Wilmington (GDRW) champions the major building blocks of literacy – School Readiness, School Attendance, and Summer Learning.
Along with parents and other community organizations, GDRW helps find and fix barriers to learning. Through our efforts, we support almost 500 children in developing vital reading skills. Together, we can put children on the path to success in school and in life.
A parent is a child’s first teacher. However, children from low-income families are less likely to have access to books or literacy-rich environments. As a result, these children hear nearly 30 million fewer words than their middle-income peers. Get Delaware Reading partners with families in Wilmington, Delaware to build strong reading habits and recognize obstacles to learning during early education.
Did you know that one in 10 kindergarten and 1st grade students miss nearly a month of school each year? Missing school means missing out on learning time. Chronic absences rob children of the time they need to develop literacy skills. We look for warning signals, like poor school attendance, to help identify families in need of support.
Research shows students lose ground during the summer months. For children from low-income families, the Summer Slide can mean losing nearly three months of reading progress. Without access to enriching activities, they fall significantly behind their peers. Get Delaware Reading Wilmington provides year-round academic and social support to keep kids learning even while school’s out.
A parent is a child’s first teacher. GDRW partners with families to build strong reading habits and recognize obstacles to learning during early education.
Missing school means missing out on learning time. Children that fall too far behind may never catch up.
Students can lose two or more months of progress over the summer. Get Delaware Reading Wilmington keeps kids learning even while school’s out.
Our Community Partners
Get Delaware Reading Wilmington, is a collaborative effort by community partners, government agencies and business leaders to ensure that more children in low-income families succeed in school and graduate prepared for college, a career, and active citizenship.
- AutoTeam Delaware
- Brandywine, Christina, and Red Clay School Districts
- City of Wilmington
- Delaware Association for the Education of Young Children
- Delaware Health and Social Services
- Delaware Libraries
- Delaware State Education Association
- First Chance Delaware
- Highmark
- Jessie Ball DuPont
- Nemours BrightStart!
- New Castle County
- Parents as Teachers
- Reading Assist Institute
- Seeds of Greatness Bible Church
- State Department of Education
- Wells Fargo
Ken Livingston
Director, Get Delaware Reading Wilmington
Our Community Partners
Get Delaware Reading Wilmington, is a collaborative effort by community partners, government agencies and business leaders to ensure that more children in low-income families succeed in school and graduate prepared for college, a career, and active citizenship.
- AutoTeam Delaware
- Brandywine, Christina, and Red Clay School Districts
- City of Wilmington
- Delaware Association for the Education of Young Children
- Delaware Health and Social Services
- Delaware Libraries
- Delaware State Education Association
- First Chance Delaware
- Highmark
- Jessie Ball DuPont
- Nemours BrightStart!
- New Castle County
- Parents as Teachers
- Reading Assist Institute
- Seeds of Greatness Bible Church
- State Department of Education
- Wells Fargo
Looking for more information?
Get in touch with one of our team members to find out how to volunteer with or donate to Get Delaware Reading Wilmington.