Students read for 223,737 minutes in four weeks during READBowl Competition. Delaware Dominates the Nation.
To take home the championship, Thomas Edison Charter School students read for a combined 223,737 minutes during the four-week team competition. Held from January 9 (the day of the College Football National Championship Game) through February 12, Super Bowl Sunday. To date, more than 500,000 students in all 50 states (including Delaware) and five countries have competed in READBowl: Read with Malcolm’s Free Virtual Reading Challenge.
Each year, World Champions and State Champions are crowned in four grade-level READBowl conferences. Thomas Edison Charter School, introduced to READBowl through a partnership with United Way of Delaware and My Very Own Library is excited about its 2023 State Championship, and is looking to take their game to the next level in 2024 and join fellow Delaware school, Fairview Elementary in Dover, at the top. Fairview won the National Championship this year, bringing tremendous momentum to Delaware.
“I could not be more proud of our Delaware State Champions,” said Mitchell. “The effort and dedication required to read for 223,737 minutes is [a] testament to the commitment of Fairview kids and to the passion of their teacher and families. We salute you. We also encourage every school in Delaware to follow Fairview’s example and compete in READBowl 2024. Go Delaware Readers”
READBowl is 100% free and open to any team of kids – in schools, clubs, groups and programs – and is one of a series of three free virtual reading challenges held each year. The next challenge is READCamp: The Free Virtual Training Camp for Summer Reading, where Malcolm will serve as head coach and kids can earn rewards and certificates for reading this summer.
Please join us on Tuesday April 4th @ 2pm as we celebrate Thomas Edison Charter School for being the 2023 READBowl State of Delaware Champions