Celebrating National Volunteer Month

My favorite poet, Maya Angelou, was quoted as saying “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” For me, this quote captures the importance of quality action in people’s lives.

April is National Volunteer Month which celebrates those who serve. To United Way of Delaware, this special week highlights the importance of volunteering and the strength it provides to our communities in Delaware, Salem County (NJ) and beyond. It not only connects us as a community, but it provides us the opportunity to help our neighbors through our actions and deeds.

That’s what volunteering is all about: Helping to make people’s lives more meaningful. When we join together to volunteer, we develop long-lasting relationships and we are linked together through the bond of giving back.

During Volunteer Month, we at United Way celebrate our volunteers’ impact to people and our community. Whether your volunteer action was giving away book bags, participating in the Black Student Summit, reading at one of the local schools, traveling with the Young Men United on the HBCU College Tour, joining us for one of our powerful Poverty Simulations, donating to the Winter Wonderland to make sure 1,000 kids in Delaware had a coat, helping at one of our member agencies during MLK week or volunteering through many of the opportunities you can find on our

U-Volunteer portal, please know that you made a difference.

Your time, talent or monetary gift shows your commitment to the action of volunteering to enhance all our lives and our state.

Thank you again for all you do and remember that people will never forget how your volunteer action big or small made them feel. Please continue to Live United through volunteering!


Raina Allen - Director, Delaware Racial Justice Collaborative

Deborah Reeves
Senior Director, Community Engagement and Partnerships