United Way of Delaware Organizes Support for Victims of the April 1, 2023, Tornado in Sussex County

Along with community organizations, United Way of Delaware (UWDE) is working collaboratively to help those devastated by the recent natural disaster. Saturday evening, April 1, a confirmed tornado caused extensive damage to more than 60 buildings over a 14-mile course through the towns of Bridgeville, Greenwood, and Ellendale. UWDE extends their deepest condolences to those impacted by the storms, especially to the family who lost a loved one.

As with all disasters, the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) and local city officials lead the immediate emergency response. Together with local organizations, they are prepared to assist where needed. Within the first 24-48 hours, response and rescue teams are given the space needed to work – especially when environmental conditions such as downed power lines or road hazards remain a concern.

“We are sat the destruction caused by these storms on April 1, and we are heartbroken at the impact it has made on our neighbors in Sussex County – and that one life was lost,” said Michelle Taylor, CEO of United Way of Delaware. “Together with our community-based partner network we’ll be working diligently to help with the recovery and rebuilding efforts.”

Committed to helping the Sussex County community rebuild, UWDE is collectively working to make sure information shared about the event is consistent with DEMA and helping residents access available resources and services through Delaware 211. In addition, UWDE is establishing a special fund, Care4Sussex, to support those in need of short- and long-term assistance. All who would like to donate can visit https://uwde.org/give-online/care-4-sussex/. All funds will be used to invest 100% back into the community to help rebuild.

It is vital to coordinate efforts with organizations like the American Red Cross, Delaware Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (DEVOAD), First State Community Action, and others. UWDE will leverage our community-based partner network to address both the short and long-term needs of Delawareans impacted by this weather-related disaster.

This will be an ongoing effort by UWDE, as we will continue to provide updates as we connect the community with resources to assist Delawareans with their recovery. 

About United Way of Delaware

Founded in 1946, United Way of Delaware (UWDE) works to advance the common good by focusing on four key areas: Early Education, Career and College Readiness, Financial Stability and Racial Justice and Social Equity. UWDE is engaged in a long-term strategy to eliminate the root causes of Delaware’s most pressing social problems in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex counties. UWDE is also responsible for the United Way brand in Salem County, New Jersey.