Three Good Things to Know
At the outset of each DRJC general body meeting, I share three good things to know in the five minutes before the meeting begins. Sharing good news offers a supportive frame to any meeting while giving people a few minutes to enter the meeting. Over time, I learned to be more intentional about making the most of that five minutes, and “three good things to know” was born.
Here is the good news shared during the most recent general body meeting:
Thing 1
Dr. Yasser Payne, Professor of Sociology at the University of Delaware, and Darryl Chambers of the Center for Structural Equity have written a book, Murder Town, USA: Homicide, Structural Violence and Activism in Wilmington that describes how 15 men and women, formerly involved with the streets, became activists around gun violence.
The authors examined how race, ethnicity, gender, poverty, white wealth and small city size contributed to street identity and the spread of gun violence. Dr. Payne and soon-to-be Dr. Chambers argue that only through knowledge of the streets is it possible to fully understand and stop the violence. The book is a response to a 2014 Newsweek article titled, “Murder Town USA (aka) Wilmington, Delaware.” For those of us who lived through that violence and tumult, this book can help us see just how far we’ve come. It also can help our broader community analyze what happened through an equity lens. We need to understand our history and lessons learned, lest we repeat the mistakes.
Thing 2
Dr. Trina Tinch, Diversity and Equity Coordinator and senior cosmetology instructor at Hodgson Vo-Tech High School, was named Hodgson Vo-Tech High School’s ‘23/’24 Teacher of the Year. She has been an engaged partner with DRJC, bringing students to both Black Student Summits. At this year’s Summit in Middletown, Hodgson won 2nd place for the largest student delegation.
Dr. Tinch organized a meeting between Hodgson students and DRJC staff immediately following the Summit to explore a new event. A student-led planning committee with some 20 members is now driving efforts to convene the first Latinos Unidos Student Summit on Sept 16 at Hodgson.
Thing 3
The third good thing to know is that Governor Carney will announce his 2022 Youth Volunteer of the Year awards at a ceremony on June 21, 2023, at Modern Maturity Center in Dover. The awards recognize the efforts of young Delaware volunteers aged 17 and younger. The First Black Student Summit student planning committee will be awarded the Youth Volunteer of the Year for a group! Pictured at right are planning committee members (from left to right) Aakhai Hollis, Kassidy Baptiste, Simone Minor, Hannah Carter, Kenny Norwood, Elise Sampson, Nysier Judkins Not pictured: Mya Reeves, Tyrone Kearse, Naomi Allen.
Please let these three things to know sink in and enjoy the good vibes they produce. Perhaps this will inspire you to join our DRJC general body meeting, held every second Wednesday from 9 – 10 a.m. via Zoom. We also have workstream meetings and lots of opportunities to engage and serve. If you’re already active in the movement, thank you. If not, please join us. I am happy to help connect you to our work and can be reached at